I had the opportunity last week to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcomittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. The subject of my testimony was “What to Look for from the New NLRB.” A copy of my written testimony is here, and I trust readers will find it of interest.
With five newly confirmed members, the Board is at an interesting juncture. Every Board has its own chemestry and group dynamic. This can have an effect on both the tone and the substance of the decisions and other actions of the Board. We await with interest to see how this Board develops.
And it appears we may be on the verge of having a new General Counsel, now that the President’s nomination of Richard Griffin has been voted favorably out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and is ripe for full Senate consideration.
Great issues confront the Agency. Along with many, I hope that as the new Board and General Counsel go forward with their work, they will recognize the legitimate competing interests in the cases before them — interests which deserve a proper balance under the NLRA. And in doing this we wish them well.