Contracting with the Department of Defense (“DoD”), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) and General Services Administration (“GSA”) will become more burdensome after December 2, 2011, according to final regulations published today. The regulations, which were proposed on April 14, 2010, and were adopted without any changes (no surprise
Non-Union employers
Rhyme or Reason? Trying to Make Sense of the NLRB’s Social Media Cases
Since the NLRB’s Office of the General Counsel (“OGC”) issued the first “Facebook” complaint in American Medical Response of Connecticut, Inc. in October, 2010, dozens of unfair labor practice charges involving social media have been filed, the Acting General Counsel has identified social media cases as a priority, and gallons…
NLRB General Counsel Allows Discharge for Inappropriate “Tweeting”
Employee use of social media remains at the forefront of issues at the National Labor Relations Board. Coming on the heels of the NLRB General Counsel’s decision to issue a complaint against an employer who fired an employee for her postings on Facebook (the first time such on-line activities were…
The NLRA and the Non-Union Employer: Proposed Union Rights Poster
Late last year, the National Labor Relations Board announced that it was planning on issuing a new rule that would require all employers (even those that are not currently unionized) to put up a poster detailing all of the rights (including the right to join a union) guaranteed…