As we reported last month, the DOL was considering what to do with the enjoined persuader rules, new regulations that would have drastically changed the interpretation of the advice exemption to the LMRDA reporting requirements. In sum, the new rules effectively narrowed the advice exemption to require reporting of a
advice exemption
Killing the Message and the Messenger – Can the NLRB Pull the Trigger?
By Ronald Meisburg on
The period for filing comments has now expired both for the NLRB’s proposed election regulations (killing the message by drastically shortening the time frame within which an employer may communicate with its employees between a union election petition and the secret ballot election), and the Department of Labor’s amendments to…
Comments Filed With Department Of Labor Over Proposed Persuader Rules
By Mark Theodore on
Another milestone in the government’s quest to upend labor relations in the United States passed last week. The deadline for filing comments with the Department of Labor (“DoL”) about its proposal to narrow the “advice” exemption under the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (“LMRDA”) expired September 21, 2011. Several interested parties filed comments…