December saw a flurry of decisions (discussed here, here, here and here) by the NLRB as it briefly held a full complement.  The Board currently has only four members and so law-changing decisions are less likely to occur until a new member is confirmed.

Board cases still

Things are moving fast and furiously at the NLRB.  Last week we saw the new General Counsel issue a sweeping memo which rescinded many policy guidelines and initiatives of his predecessor and highlighted the Board precedent from the last eight years that may be overturned.

This week the NLRB posted

As anticipated, the National Labor Relations Board today made public its final revised election rules.  The new rules will become effective 120 days following their publication in the Federal Register.  The publication date is scheduled to be Monday, December 15, 2014, one day before the expiration of the term of

The fallout from Noel Canning has been felt far and wide.  The DC Circuit Court’s January 25, 2013 decision certainly put all NLRB decisions made since January 4, 2012 (the date Members Block and Griffin received their recess appointments) in jeopardy.  All cases on appeal to the DC Circuit involving

Now that the election is over, one of the main questions being asked is, what next?  We recently held a Webinar entitled “The Latest at the NLRB and Post-Election Developments” to address this question.  It seems clear that with Congress still divided that there likely will not be much in