As expected, the NLRB has announced that it is again proposing regulations to amend its representation case election procedures. A copy of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking submitted to the Federal Register for publication can be viewed here. The proposed regulations appear identical to those the Board attempted to
ambush elections
NLRB’s Efforts To Advance Ambush Election Rules Rebuffed, Again
If only everyone had just showed up and voted we wouldn’t be in this mess. As previously reported, the NLRB’s attempt to promulgate the so-called ambush election rules was dealt a setback when a federal district court ruled in May that the Board did not have a quorum at the…
Federal Court Invalidates Ambush Election Rules, Dealing NLRB Yet Another Setback
The NLRB’s agenda for bringing about massive change despite severe opposition continues to be stalled by legal challenges. Last month, the Board’s employee rights poster notice rule was invalidated. Now, a month later, a federal judge in the District of Columbia has ruled that the ambush election rules, which…
Killing the Message and the Messenger – Can the NLRB Pull the Trigger?
The period for filing comments has now expired both for the NLRB’s proposed election regulations (killing the message by drastically shortening the time frame within which an employer may communicate with its employees between a union election petition and the secret ballot election), and the Department of Labor’s amendments to…