The NLRB announced today that Marvin E. Kaplan was sworn in as the agency’s newest Board member. Member Kaplan’s term expires August 27, 2020. The Board complement now stands at four of five members. Congress delayed confirmation of the President’s other appointee, William Emanuel, until at least September. Assuming Mr.
NLRB Reveals More Details To Proposed Election Rule Changes
By Mark Theodore on
As we reported earlier, the NLRB announced it was ready to vote on some proposed amendments to the rules concerning representation elections. There was no indication in the original announcement of about the substance of the changes.
On November 29, 2011, NLRB Chairman Mark Pierce disclosed more information in…
NLRB Chairman, Acting General Counsel Defend Recent Actions in Correspondence to House Subcommittee
By Ronald Meisburg on
NLRB Chairman Wilma Liebman and Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon have submitted letters to a House subcommittee in response to witness testimony criticizing recent activity of the Board and the Acting General Counsel. The testimony was given at a February 11th hearing on “Emerging Trends at the National Labor…