Applying the facially neutral work rule test laid out in Boeing (see here), the Board recently reversed an Administrative Law Judge decision, concluding that the employer maintained lawful workplace rules restricting employee use of (i) cell phones in commercial vehicles, (ii) the company email server for purposes not related
confidential information
NLRB Overrules Another Longstanding Precedent: Witness Statements No Longer Exempt From Disclosure
By Mark Theodore on
The precedents are falling fast. Last week the NLRB overruled the five decade old Bethlehem Steel decision, and now another longstanding precedent has fallen. The NLRB issued a decision overruling Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 237 NLRB 982 (1978), the case that held that witness statements obtained during an employer investigation of…
Duty To Provide Employee Witness Names And Pro-Union Supervisory Election Interference On This Week’s NLRA Fare
By Mark Theodore on
The slow pace at the NLRB continues this Spring, as only one or two decisions are issued each week. Recent decisions, one from the NLRB and one from the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, are worth noting because they illustrate recurring themes under the NLRA.
Protecting The Identity …