In Universal Health Services, Inc., 370 N.L.R.B. No. 118 (April 30, 2021), the Board dismissed a complaint alleging that an employer’s bargaining proposals seeking significant concessions violated the duty to bargain in good faith. Notably, the Board found that even when faced with extreme proposals, a union must still “test”
good faith
NLRB Upholds Employer’s Bargaining And Demotions Post-Impasse As Lawful
By Mark Theodore & Rachel Therese Gulotta on
In its January 31, 2020 decision in Phillips 66, 369 NLRB No. 13 (January 31, 2020) the Board reversed a number of findings of unfair labor practices found by an Administrative Law Judge related to the employer’s conduct during organizing and subsequent bargaining.
In November 2011, the union filed…
Novel Theory Related To Violation Of Bargaining “Ground Rules” Fails (Fortunately)
By Mark Theodore on
When an employer and a union sit down to bargain they often agree to ground rules for how negotiations are to be conducted. A common ground rule, for example, is for the parties to agree to address “non-economic” items before addressing economic proposals. Other ground rules include things like confidentiality…