When bargaining over an agreement, it is common to hear union representatives ask “why do we need such elaborate language in an agreement? We are always reasonable.” To which, the company usually responds, “We think you’re nifty but the next person holding your job may not be as reasonable; better
property rights
Independence Day Incrementalism: NLRB (Again) Expands On Precedent By Ruling Employer Off-Duty Access Rule Unlawful
Last year the NLRB’s order of the day was sweeping change. That brought us the employee rights poster, the ambush election rules, and micro unions. The Board today is not acting in such a bold manner, and instead is seeking gradual change through a policy of incrementalism.
Court Upholds Non-Employee Property Access Rights
In a decision affirming the National Labor Relations Board, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has ruled that employees of a contractor working for a contract restaurant operator located in another employer’s hotel/casino, have a right to pass out handbills inside the hotel/casino at the…
NLRB Permits Contractor Employee Handbilling Inside Las Vegas Casino
In a 3-1 decision, the National Labor Relations Board found that a Las Vegas casino violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act by prohibiting off-duty employees of a lessee restaurant from distributing handbills to restaurant patrons on the lessor casino’s premises. The case, New York New York, LLC…