After publishing the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking over a year ago, followed by tens of thousands of public comments and many months of anticipating the final rule, the NLRB announced today that it will publish a Notice of Withdrawal of the proposed student assistant rule. Under the proposed rule, students
Update: NLRB Final Rule Governing Employee-Status of Student Workers May Issue As Soon As September 2020
By Steven Porzio & Elizabeth Dailey on
As we previously reported, the NLRB published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in September 2019 regarding the employee-status of student workers at private colleges and universities. Under the proposed rule, the NLRB seeks to establish that undergraduate and graduate students performing services for compensation, including teaching and research,…
NLRB Proposes Rule to Settle Once and For All: Student Teaching and Research Assistants Are Not “Employees”
By Paul Salvatore, Steven Porzio & Laura Franks on
As anticipated, today the National Labor Relations Board published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) proposing a regulation which would establish that students at private colleges and universities who perform any services related to their studies for compensation, including teaching and research, are not “employees” within the meaning of Section…