Declaring the NLRB’s rationale to be “nonsense,” on March 26, 2024, a unanimous three-judge panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Stern Produce Company Inc v. NLRB, refused to enforce the agency’s finding of unfair labor practices.  

The Court held that the petitioner-produce company did not create the impression of surveillance of organizing activity and did not retaliate against an employee for participating in unionization efforts.  The D.C. Circuit’s decision was illuminating in its rejection of the Board’s and the NLRB General Counsel’s rationale underlying the two unfair labor practice charges, which could shed light on how other similar charges may be viewed by the D.C. Circuit. 


Two unfair labor practices based on workplace incidents were alleged in this case.  The first charge alleged that a company supervisor violated the National Labor Relations Act (the “Act”) when he texted a truck driver letting him know he could not cover up the cameras installed in the truck.  The union alleged in a charge that the text message gave the employee the impression that the company was conducting surveillance of him and his pro-union activities.  The employer claimed that it was merely reminding the driver of a longstanding company policy included in their handbook.

The second allegation was that the company violated the Act when it provided a written warning to an employee after an internal investigation revealed that he made comments which violated company policy.  The union alleged that the company was punishing this employee in retaliation for his participation in unionization efforts; the union asserted that the employer should have, at most, engaged in verbal counseling and should not have issued a written warning.  The employer alleged that the warning was issued in line with their equal employment opportunity policy and the employee’s comments were in violation of that policy.

Administrative Law Judge Sides with Employer on Both Counts

The Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) found that the supervisor’s text message about covering up the cameras was a “mere observation” in line with longstanding company policies about truck cameras.  The ALJ found the employer’s conduct did not create an impression of surveillance, and thus did not violate the Act.

Regarding the employee who received a written warning, the ALJ determined that the employer issued the warning without knowing if the employee was still involved with the union, and the warning was based on the employees’ offensive and discriminatory comments—not union animus.

The Board Reverses and Finds Employer Violated the Act

On review, the Board reversed the ALJ’s findings on both issues, and found the employer violated the Act as to both unfair labor practice charges.  The Board determined that the supervisor’s “sudden and unusual” interest in viewing the truck driver’s cameras created an impression of surveillance in violation of Section 8(a)(1).

The Board also concluded that the employer issued the other employee a written warning – rather than verbal counseling – because it was motivated by union animus in violation of Section 8(a)(3).

D.C. Circuit Court Overrules the Board and Vacates the Order

The employer appealed the Board’s ruling to the D.C. Circuit, which reversed on both counts. 

With respect to the allegation of an impression of surveillance related to the supervisor’s text message about covering the truck cameras, the Court found that the employer put drivers on notice that the cameras “must remain on at all times” by including the clause in multiple policies, which reinforced that there was no expectation of privacy within the company trucks.  The Court remarked that the Board’s finding in relation to the text message violation was “nonsense”.

Similarly, when addressing whether the employer’s discipline of the other employee was in retaliation for his unionization efforts, the Court found there was not sufficient evidence to sustain an inference that the written warning was a result of the employee’s protected conduct. The Court found the warning was facially consistent with the employer’s equal employment opportunity policy, and rejected the notion that the employer was motivated by union animus.

Key Takeaways

Allegations of employer surveillance that interferes with the exercise of employees’ Section 7 rights has been an issue of focus by the NLRB General Counsel, as highlighted by her 2022 Memo on Employer Surveillance in the Modern Workplace.  The D.C. Circuit’s rejection of the Board’s aggressive pro-worker ruling serves to place an important check on the limits of this issue. 

Notably, the D.C. Circuit made its frustrations with the Board’s decision and General Counsel’s position evident when vacating the Board’s decision.  The Court rebuked the Board and General Counsel, stating, “[T]he Board’s majority and its General Counsel, at least at the time of these proceedings, should have brushed up on the ancient and wise legal doctrine de minimis non curat lex—that is, the law does not concern itself with trifles. Or should not.” 

Although the Board adopts a policy of non-acquiescence, meaning it typically does not change precedent based on an appellate court decision, it bears watching the extent to which this decision could impact future Board cases and the General Counsel’s policy agenda on this issue, as well as potentially others. 

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Photo of Mark Theodore Mark Theodore

Mark Theodore is a partner in the Labor & Employment Law Department. He has devoted his practice almost exclusively to representing management in all aspects of traditional labor law matters throughout the U.S. He is Co-Chair of Proskauer’s Labor-Management and Collective Bargaining Practice…

Mark Theodore is a partner in the Labor & Employment Law Department. He has devoted his practice almost exclusively to representing management in all aspects of traditional labor law matters throughout the U.S. He is Co-Chair of Proskauer’s Labor-Management and Collective Bargaining Practice Group.

Some recent highlights of his career include:

  • Successfully defended client against allegations that it had terminated a union supporter and isolated another. T-Mobile USA, Inc., 365 NLRB No. 15 (2017).
  • Successfully appealed NLRB findings that certain of client’s written policies violated the National Labor Relations Actions Act.  T-Mobile USA, Inc., 363 NLRB No. 171 (2016), enf’d in part, rev’d in part 865 F.3d 265 (5th Cir. 2017).
  • Represented major utility in NLRB proceedings related to organizing of planners.  Secured utility-wide bargaining unit. Bargained on behalf of grocery chain.  After negotiations reached an impasse, guided the company through lawful implementation of five year collective bargaining agreement.
  • Coordinated employer response in numerous strike situations including a work stoppage across 14 western states of the client’s operations.

Mark has extensive experience representing employers in all matters before the NLRB, including representation petitions, jurisdictional disputes and the handling of unfair labor practice charges from the date they are filed through trial and appeal. Mark has acted as lead negotiator for dozens of major companies in a variety of industries, including national, multi-unit, multi-location, multi-employer and multi-union bargaining. Mark has handled lockout and strike situations, coordinating the clients efforts.

In addition, Mark has handled hundreds of arbitrations involving virtually every area of dispute, including contract interest arbitration, contract interpretation, just cause termination/discipline, benefits, pay rates, and hours of work.

Photo of Joshua Fox Joshua Fox

Joshua S. Fox is a senior counsel in the Labor & Employment Law Department and a member of the Sports, Labor-Management Relations, Class and Collective Actions and Wage and Hour Groups.

As a member of the Sports Law Group, Josh has represented several…

Joshua S. Fox is a senior counsel in the Labor & Employment Law Department and a member of the Sports, Labor-Management Relations, Class and Collective Actions and Wage and Hour Groups.

As a member of the Sports Law Group, Josh has represented several Major League Baseball Clubs in all aspects of the salary arbitration process, including the Miami Marlins, Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, Kansas City Royals, San Francisco Giants, Tampa Bay Rays and Toronto Blue Jays. In particular, Josh successfully represented the Miami Marlins in their case against All-Star Catcher J.T. Realmuto, which was a significant club victory in salary arbitration. Josh also represents Major League Baseball and its clubs in ongoing litigation brought by current and former minor league players who allege minimum wage and overtime violations. Josh participated on the team that successfully defended Major League Baseball in a wage-and-hour lawsuit brought by a former volunteer for the 2013 All-Star FanFest, who alleged minimum wage violations under federal and state law. The lawsuit was dismissed by the federal district court, and was affirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Josh also has extensive experience representing professional sports leagues and teams in grievance arbitration proceedings, including playing a vital role in all aspects of the grievance challenging the suspension for use of performance-enhancing drugs of then-New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez. Josh also has counseled NHL Clubs and served on the trial teams for grievances alleging violations of the collective bargaining agreement, including cases involving use of performance-enhancing substances, domestic violence issues, and supplementary discipline for on-ice conduct. He has played a key role in representing professional sports leagues in all aspects of their collective bargaining negotiations with players and officials, including the Major League Baseball, National Hockey League, the National Football League, Major League Soccer, the Professional Referee Organization, and the National Basketball Association,.

In addition, Josh has extensive experience representing clients in the performing arts industry, including the New York City Ballet, New York City Opera, Big Apple Circus, among many others, in collective bargaining negotiations with performers and musicians, the administration of their collective bargaining agreements, and in grievance arbitrations.

Josh also represents a diverse range of clients, including real estate developers and contractors, pipe line contractors, hospitals, hotels, manufacturers and public employers, in collective bargaining, counseling on general employment matters and proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board, New York State Public Employment Relations Board and arbitrators.

Josh has also recently served as an adjunct professor at Cornell University’s School of Industrial Labor Relations for the past two years, teaching a course regarding Major League Baseball salary arbitration.

Prior to joining Proskauer, Josh worked for a year and a half at the National Hockey League, where he was involved in all labor and employment matters, including preparations for collective bargaining, grievance arbitration, contract drafting and reviewing and employment counseling. Josh also interned in the labor relations department of Major League Baseball and at Region 2 of the National Labor Relations Board. He was a member of the Brooklyn Law Review and the Appellate Moot Court Honor Society and served as president of the Brooklyn Entertainment and Sports Law Society.

Photo of Shanice Z. Smith-Banks Shanice Z. Smith-Banks

Shanice is an associate in the Labor Department. Shanice is a member of several of the firm’s Practice Groups, including Investigations, Labor Management Relations and Counseling, Training & Pay Equity. Her practice involves assisting clients in litigations, arbitrations, and administrative proceedings surrounding claims…

Shanice is an associate in the Labor Department. Shanice is a member of several of the firm’s Practice Groups, including Investigations, Labor Management Relations and Counseling, Training & Pay Equity. Her practice involves assisting clients in litigations, arbitrations, and administrative proceedings surrounding claims of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. She has experience assisting with workplace investigations, pay equity analyses, and counseling clients on a range of employment matters. Relative to her labor relations practice, Shanice assists with representation proceedings, responding to unfair labor practice charges and counseling clients surrounding union organizing efforts and collective bargaining.

Shanice was awarded one of Proskauer’s Golden Gavel Awards in 2023 celebrating excellence in pro bono work. Shanice’s pro bono efforts focus on criminal justice and immigration work. She earned her J.D. from Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, where immediately upon graduation, Shanice argued a case on behalf of the Loyola Criminal Defense Law Clinic in front of the Louisiana Supreme Court.