We have seen this movie before. NLRB precedent established by the Board under the prior Administration conflicted sharply with decisions by the D.C. Circuit reviewing the Board. Then the current iteration of the Board reverses its own precedent and sides with the D.C. Circuit. This situation occurred recently with regard
NLRB Decides to Assert Jurisdiction Over Charter Schools On A Case By Case Basis
The NLRB continues to operate during the novel coronavirus crisis. Regional offices are largely working remotely as is the rest of the country. The Board itself continues to issue decisions, albeit at a slower pace than usual. On February 4, 2019, the NLRB invited interested parties to file briefs…
D.C. Circuit Vacates NLRB Decision, Reinforcing Board’s Limited Jurisdiction over Religious Schools
Similar to other disagreements between the NLRB and D.C. Circuit (see here for a recent example ), a tension developed during the last several years regarding the appropriate standard to determine whether teachers at religious schools are covered by the NLRA and within the Board’s jurisdiction, or whether the Religion…

Are Charter Schools Covered by the National Labor Relations Act? NLRB to Reconsider Its Jurisdiction over Charter Schools
On February 4, the NLRB granted United Federation of Teachers, Local 2, AFT, AFL-CIO’s (the “Union”) request for review of the Regional Director’s Decision and Direction of Election concerning a decertification petition filed by several teachers at a charter school. In so doing, the Board invited filing of briefs regarding…