While extensive high-profile strike activity was heavily reported throughout 2023, it was – striking– to analyze the hard data regarding 2023 strike activity in Bloomberg’s annual report that was just released. The report details recent work stoppages, explores how 2023 strike activity statistics fit into historical patterns and trends

Employer’s Discipline of Employees Engaging In “Intermittent Strikes” Lawful: NLRB Majority
This summer has been punctuated by walkouts. We have seen walkouts in support of a $15 minimum wage and walkouts to protest the sale of goods to the government. Walking off the job is, of course, a staple of labor action, and generally speaking, employees are protected by the…
Thorough Employer Investigation Helps Establish Employer’s “Honest Belief” of Employees’ Picket Line Misconduct
The Board is now operating at a full complement and is issuing decisions on a fairly regular basis. Nothing earth shattering in terms of law (which is kind of a relief) but there are some interesting issues worth discussing. A frequent topic of discussion here is the often blurry line…
NNU Ebola “Day of Action” Slated for November 12, 2014
Registered nurses in 16 states and the District of Columbia are planning a national “Day of Action” by engaging in strikes, picketing, leafleting, rallies, and candlelight vigils on Wednesday, November 12, in support of demands by National Nurses United (“NNU”) for tougher Ebola safety precautions in the nation’s hospitals. As…
Ebola and Potential Labor Relations Issues
The Ebola panic presently sweeping the U.S. raises a host of potential issues for employers. We recently provided guidance to help employers ensure employee safety while also complying with legal obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and similar laws. In addition, the Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) recently…
Old Fashioned Protected Concerted Activity Stirred Up With A Twist
A recent NLRB ALJ decision illustrates the old and the new under the National Labor Relations Act (“Act”). The case is Gates & Sons Barbeque of Missouri, Inc. and Workers’ Organizing Committee, Kansas City, No. 14-CA-110229 (June 17, 2014).
In this case, the employer operated a successful chain…
NLRB to Healthcare Employers Facing a Strike: You Can Ask, But Employees Don’t Have to Tell
In a 2-1 decision issued on June 30, 2011, the NLRB clarified the interplay of the statutory notice requirements of NLRA Section 8(g) with a health care employer’s right to poll individual employees’ intention to report to work during a strike and the employer’s right to enforce neutral work rules…